Singapore Microcomputer Society

Established since 1978

Registrar of Societies Ref. no: 0238/1978

UEN : S79SS0023B

Visited 844152 times

Terms & Conditions for Advertisement


Random Top Row (extreme right):

This consists of an advertisement at the top row on the right. This ads space can take up to 10 ads or flips to be displayed randomly with a 10 second timer.


Each ads or flip costs $70 per month.


Currently, they are on SPECIAL OFFER of just $30 per month.


Size: 200 x 176 pixels for each ads.



  • Advertisement size shall not exceed pixels of 200 width x 176 height.
  • Should your ads be terminated by us, we will refund you a pro-rated amount calculated as balance after deducting the consumption at the rate that you paid for.
  • No refund will be given if you terminate your ads.
  • We reserved the right to add more ads spaces.
  • We reserved the right to reject advertisements that are against the law or that in our opinion, the contents are inappropriate.


    If interested please call 6243-3965 or email us at manager oAoTo .



    Note: To prevent spammers from harvesting emails, please replace the oAoTo with symbol @