Singapore Microcomputer Society

Established since 1978

Registrar of Societies Ref. no: 0238/1978

UEN : S79SS0023B

Visited 844164 times

Singapore Microcomputer Society Membership Fees

The SMS membership application form is available here.  Click here for the JPG Format.

Your membership is worth $840 but you pay only $60 

Payment by VISA, Master Card, AmexCard or Paypal, please click here.

Payment by PayNow can be made to UEN S79SS0023B

or by Bank Transfer or cheque. Please click here.

Entrance Fee for all categories of membership : S$20 (one-time only)

Waiver of $20 Entrance Fee for all Passion Card members. 

Membership Fee :

(a) Individual : S$60 per year, or S$110 for 2 years.
(b) Full-time students : S$40 per year, or S$70 for 2 years.
(c) Spouse : S$36 per year.
(d) Corporate Membership with 6 transferable passes : S$350 per year.
(e) Corporate Membership with 3 transferable passes : S$200 per year
(f) Corporate Membership with 2 transferable passes : S$140 per year