Singapore Microcomputer Society

Established since 1978

Registrar of Societies Ref. no: 0238/1978

UEN : S79SS0023B

Visited 837984 times

Friday Talk:  Journey through the 5 stages of retirement
Date:   Friday 29 Sep 2023
Time:   1930 - 2130 hours
Venue:  Lecture Room 1 (third level), Bishan Community Club
Fee:    FREE for SMS members ; $10 door fee for non-members ; $5 door fee for Passion Club members.
If you are not feeling well do not come.

Presenter: Ng Chee Seng
 Chairman Funding Retirement SIG
 Organised by Funding Retirement SIG

 <[ QUOTE ]>

1. Pre-retirement
1.1 Financial Planning aspect for retirement
2. The honeymoon phase.
3. Disenchantment
4. Re-orientation & finding yourself.
5. Stability.
6. Q&A.