Singapore Microcomputer Society

Established since 1978

Registrar of Societies Ref. no: 0238/1978

UEN : S79SS0023B

Visited 844154 times


on 4 December 2008


In line with the celebration of our 30th anniversary in 2008 and to increase membership, SMS has introduced a generous member-get-member scheme.
 Currently, there are already 3 benefits to SMS members:
1. Members pay $60 per year but only $110 for 2 years of membership renewal, thus saving $10. Students pay $40 per year.
2. Members who renew are also entitled to free gifts.
3. Members who recommend a new paying member will get $10 credited for their next renewal.
The management has come up with a new benefit that is in addition to the above 3 benefits. If you renew your membership for 2 years at $110, you get to recommend another person of your choice for a free 1 year membership.
There are some restrictions:
a. Only existing SMS member who renew the membership for 2 years or a new member who pays for 2 years of membership can qualify.
b. The person you recommend must not be an existing SMS member or his membership must have expired for more than a year.
c. Students who renewed for 2 years at $80 can only recommend another student for the free 1 year membership.
d. A recommended member will also qualify to recommend another if he extends his membership for another 2 years.
e. A recommended member enjoys the same privileges as any SMS member.
The objective of this membership drive is to increase membership. You as a member will be the best ambassador for SMS in getting new members. Simply renew your membership for 2 years and get a free membership for your loved ones, your friends, your employee or your business partners. We appreciate your time and effort in convincing them to join SMS. This free membership is our token of appreciation for your precious time and loyalty. Thank you.